First Reconciliation Prep 2021


First Reconciliation 2021

Online/Virtual Preparation

*For students in their second year of Sacramental prep (Level 2 / Heritage Yr. 2)

*Check your email for your child's Sacrament dates! (Emailed March 4) 

For families of students who will be receiving their 1st Reconciliation in this year, we ask that you and your child prepare for the Sacrament online by completing this three-part lesson. Special thanks to our Grade 2 coordinators who helped put this lesson together!

The lesson begins with an introduction by Fr. John. In Parts I and II,  you and your child will be able to reflect together on God's love and forgiveness through the parable of the Prodigal Son (Part I), and go over how to prepare for and go to the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Part II). The final part of the lesson is for parents/adults to do on your own and reflect deeper on the power and beauty of this Sacrament (Part III). After completing all three parts, fill out our Google Form (see below).

We will be posting similar content for First Communion preparation in April.

We hope this fosters positive conversations and helps you and your child enter more deeply into the Sacrament of Reconciliation (also known as Confession or Penance), coming out of it with a deeper understanding of God's infinite Mercy and Love for each of us, His sons and daughters.  

If you have any questions, please email us at

God bless,
Michelle Pirraglia
Director of Faith Formation

Google Form - Due March 25

*To be completed AFTER you finish the entire lesson


The link to the 1st Reconciliation Google Form is above. To complete the form, simply type in all of your answers and, when you are done, click the "submit" button on the bottom of the form. It is due no later than MARCH 25

This online lesson is an important part of the preparation process. The Google Form must be fully completed and submitted for your child to move forward.

Now...Let's begin!

1st Reconciliation Lesson 2021

Open in Prayer

Pray an Our Father, Hail Mary & Glory Be with your child to start the lesson.

*The prayers are on page 6 in your "Family of Faith" Student Activity Book).

Introduction from Fr. John: 

How will we celebrate 1st Reconciliation at SJE this year? Fr. John explains some of the basics in this introduction video:

Part I: God's Love & Forgiveness

Jesus wants to forgive our sins. What is sin? Sin is a thought, word or deed we freely choose to commit even though we know it is wrong and against God's law. 

We come to Jesus for forgiveness in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. In this sacrament, we confess our sins to a priest. He forgives us in Jesus’ name. The grace we have lost is given back to us. In the Sacrament of Reconciliation, Jesus comforts usHe strengthens us on our journey. We are reconciled (we make things right) with God, with the Church, and with the people we have hurt. Through this sacrament the Church celebrates Jesus’ gift of forgiveness. 

In the video below, we see the story of the Prodigal Son. Through this story, Jesus shows us how much God loves us and wants to forgive us. Watch the video below with your child:

Part II: What Is Reconciliation?

Watch the Following Video with Your Child:

"How do I go to Confession?"


Read & go over the below information with your child:

Examination of Conscience:

Reconciliation Recap:

The person going to Reconciliation:

·   Has contrition (sorrow) for sins committed and firmly intends not to sin again

·  Tells the priest how long it has been since his or her last confession. (Or, if it is your first time, tell him it is your first time).

·   Tells, or confesses, his or her sins to the priest.

·   Talks with the priest about ways to love God and others.

·  Is asked by the priest to say a prayer or do something that shows sorrow for his or her sins and to help us get back on track. That prayer or action is called penance. We do this immediately following the Sacrament (if it is a prayer).

The priest who hears the person's Confession:

·   Stands in the place of Jesus - it is Jesus to whom the person is confessing through the mediation of the priest.

· The priest cannot tell anyone what the person going to Confession has said - they are bound by the Seal of Confession.

·   The priest gives absolution, which is God's forgiveness of our sins through the words and actions of the priest. God forgives our sins through the priest, who has been given this authority through the Sacrament of Holy Orders.

Act of Contrition:

(Please go over this prayer with your child. It does not need to be memorized, but they should be familiar with it.)

My God, I am sorry for my sins with all my heart.

In choosing to do wrong and failing to do good,

I have sinned against you, whom I should love above all things.

I firmly intend, with your help, to do penance, to sin no more, and to avoid whatever leads me to sin.

Our Savior Jesus Christ suffered and died for us. In his name, my God, have mercy.

Part III: For Parents/Guardians

We know faith formation is life-long and ongoing. As adults, and parents, sometimes we need a reminder about why we do the things we do as Catholics, especially as we pass them on to our children. Confession can be a hard topic for some.

Please watch the video below to help you reflect as an adult on the importance of the Sacrament of Reconciliation. You, too, will be offered the opportunity to go - and what better way to help your child than to be in front of or behind them in the confession line! 

Perhaps it's been awhile, or perhaps you're hesitant or confused about the Sacrament. Hopefully this video will encourage you to approach this Sacrament of mercy! 



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