Meet Our Catechists! (Grades 1-6)


Meet & Contact Our "Family of Faith" Grade-Level Catechists!

SJE is blessed to have several volunteers who enrich our Faith Formation program and are here to support our parish families. Get to know our "Family of Faith" catechists who are providing grade-level content for you and your children each month! Need ideas on how to make the "Family of Faith" program come alive in your home? Contact our catechists via their grade-level emails! A big thank you to all our volunteers who work hard to share the faith!

Grade 1:


Maria Montoya - Grade 1 Leader

Hi! My name is Maria Montoya and I am one of the grade one coordinators for our “Family of Faith” program at SJE. I have been teaching for first and second graders in our parish’s Faith Formation program for about three years now. It’s been a beautiful experience sharing the faith and how to live as Jesus' followers! I am also an active member of our parish’s Spanish community. May God bless you!

Jennifer Schulze - Grade 1 Leader

My name is Jennifer Schulze, an SJE parishioner since 2007. Even though I have been a parishioner for 13 years I just officially converted to Catholicism in January 2020. All three of my children have been baptized here as well. I work full time from home as a Credits & Collections Auditor for a great company in Melville. I have been a Faith Formation catechist for four years and took part in the first Communion Retreat. I enjoy teaching all grade levels but the Level 1 children are my favorite.  They are so inquisitive with the most interesting questions.  I love what I do because I'm a small piece of the bigger picture investing in the future.  

Grade 2:


The Boge Family - Grade 2 Leaders

We have been a part of St. John The Evangelist parish for many years. It is a place that is very welcoming and is here for everyone. As a family, we have been involved in many ministries within the church, including the Baptismal Program, Vacation Bible Camp, Children’s Liturgy of the Word, Spirit Day, and the Faith Formation Program in Grade Levels 1-4. This year, we are co-coordinators for Level 2 Faith Formation program. God bless and guide us all in our journey together in faith! 

Grade 3


Dawn Russo Sperandio - Grade 3 Leader

Grade 4


Elizabeth Leavy - Grade 4 Leader

Hello! My name is Elizabeth Leavy. I am a homeschooling mother of six children, four of whom are in the SJE Faith and Family program. My husband Brian and I, and our children, have been parishioners of St. John’s for over 5 years. I have taught religious education for over 9 years, however this is my second year volunteering here at SJE. I graduated from Franciscan University of Steubenville, Ohio with a degree in Business. I am one of the co-directors for Catholic Schoolhouse Long Island, which is a national homeschooling tutoring program. I greatly enjoy teaching and have a deep love for our faith. 

Grade 5


Kathleen Creamer - Grade 6 Leader

My name is Mrs. Kathleen Creamer.  I have been involved in the St. John the Evangelist Parish Faith Formation Program for the last eight years. It makes me so pleased to see my former students “grow in wisdom and grace”.  Several years ago, I retired from Lawrence Public School District as an elementary/special education teacher who spent over 25 years teaching students in Grades 1-6.  My family has been parishioners at St. John’s for 35 years.  I’ve been married over 50 years to my husband, Frank and I am the mother of two adult children.    

Although this year’s Faith Formation program looks very different, I have always believed that a child’s first religion teacher is his or her parents.  Thank you for allowing me to share my Catholic faith with your family.  I anticipate that your child will have a rewarding experience learning, celebrating, sharing, and living his or her Catholic faith.  

Grade 6


Deana Ditta - Grade 6 Leader

Hello St. John Families! My name is Deana Ditta and I have been a Catechist at St. John’s since 2017, and am currently assisting in Grade 6. My journey with St. John’s started at Our Lady Queen of Apostles Regional Catholic School (OLQA), where my daughter spent her Pre-K years. During that time my family grew deeper in the faith by meeting wonderful families who share the same values. My daughter made her first friends at OLQA and we quickly became part of this wonderful community, learning that we all belong no matter where we are in life. Times are challenging for us all right now and I hope that we can continue to share our faith with others and, most of all, our children.


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