January - Grade 3


A Family of Faith: January - Grade 3

Grade 3 Coordinators:

Linda Scanlon & Anne O’Connor

Baptism Video Suggestion from SophiaSketchpad.org


Happy New Year to all our Faith Formation Friends! As you begin this new year, start each lesson with a prayer. Be mindful that not every lesson goes smoothly, but if your child sees and feels your love of God, all is well. God bless you.  

This month we are focusing on knowing Jesus and His glorious miracles. You can begin by reading the essay “Who Is Jesus?” on pages 108-109 (Parent’s Guide) and discussing this important information with your child(ren). You may wish to stop after sections and explain and discuss what is written. 

Activity 2 asks you to read ahead on pages 110-111 (PG) to familiarize yourself on the different kinds of miracles. Then explain that Jesus performed these miracles so we know He is God and to show how much He loves us. Read John 9: 1-12 to your child, discuss this miracle, then have your child color page 87 in the activity book. Follow guidelines E, F, and G in the parent’s guide. Your child can be creative and illustrate the miracles cited on page 88 in the activity book.

Jesus’ Miracles Section (p.112 PG) and (89-90 AB) should be taught but perhaps in two sittings. The summary can be just one sentence each.

Jesus Forgives Sins re-enforces the miracle of forgiving sins and how important this is in our lives. Follow the guidelines on p. 113 (PG) and then have your child complete p. 91 (AB).

Activities 3 and 4 in the parent’s guide are optional.

In “I Am the Way” (p. 118 PG) your child should learn why Jesus came to earth. Play the Redemption Game if you think it is helpful. There are two more optional projects that follow.

Read ahead “Baptism: The First Step on the Way” to be prepared to answer questions your child may have about this sacrament. You may wish to give personal feelings you had on your child’s special day. You will probably need to help your child complete the matching activity on p. 99 in the activity book.

Lastly, you will be teaching your child about St. Paul the Apostle. You may wish to enlighten your child on how God often chooses some of the lowliest of His people to do great things. After discussing this miraculous intervention, your child may color page 102 (AB). Go over the Words to Know and give your child independent time to write any questions he/she may have on page 104 (AB).       


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