February - Grade 3


A Family of Faith: February - Grade 3

Grade 3 Coordinators:

Linda Scanlon & Anne O’Connor

Hello Faith Formation families! We wish you happiness and love this Valentine’s Day and every other day as well. 

Lent will be here shortly; Ash Wednesday is February 17th.  You may wish to follow the tradition of abstaining from meat on that day and every Friday thereafter until Easter. We are sure that you will make this holy season memorable and faith-filled with your child(ren).

Lesson 8

Activity 1: The concept of Jesus’ death and His descension into hell may be troubling for your third grader. Try to focus on what is most important: Jesus loves us so much that, as a man, he died for our sins. And because He is God, He was able to rise from the dead on the third day. We celebrate this on Easter Sunday.  Your child may write this month’s bible verse on p. 106 in the activity book.

Activity 2: Read ahead on pages 142-144 in the parent’s guide in order to paraphrase the story of Jesus’ Resurrection from the dead.

Activity 3: Again, read ahead in the parent’s guide (145-146) to be able to explain how salvation is a process. Although Jesus’ Passion, death, and Resurrection made it possible for us to get to heaven, we must do our part too. On page 108 in the activity book, chose at least three reading from the bible. After each reading, have your child summarize what the passage teaches about salvation.

Activity 4: As the parent guide suggests, it may be memorable to “celebrate” Mardi Gras (February 16th) whereby you and your family eat the food(s) you plan to give up for Lent. The next day, Ash Wednesday, take your family to Mass and receive ashes. Later, your child(ren) can write about or draw their experiences on page 109 and color page 110 in the activity book.

Lesson 9

Activity 1: Te Deum (You Are God) Prayer can be read/prayed together (p. 111 AB). Discussion questions that you may wish to use that are on p. 151 (PG)

Activity 2: Pre-read “The Ascension” (PG p. 152-153) to be able to explain this glorious miracle to your child. Be ready to read together the biblical account (Acts 1: 6-11). Discuss with your child(ren) the questions provided. Then have you child color the Ascension picture (p. 112 AB).

Activity 3: Pre-read the “Last Days and Last Judgement Essay” beforehand. Some parts of this may be difficult for third graders to comprehend and therefor may be troubling. Use your discretion. One important concept found near the end of the essay, “Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of my brethren, you did it to me.” You may wish to explain how you, a parent, are hurt when someone hurts your child. So too, God is hurt if we are unkind to any of His other children. So, in essence, if we hurt others, we hurt God.

Activity 4: These Least Brothers of Mine topic can be read aloud from Matthew 25:31-46. Choose to discuss some of the questions posed on pages 157-158 (PG). Your child may color page 115 (AB).

St. Brigid of Ireland: Explain the word humility before reading the short biography on pages 116-117 (AB). Discuss the miracle, why Brigid would want a monastery built, and what she meant by “Christ is in the body of every poor man.” Then have your child color page 118 (AB).

Have a wonderful month and may God bless you and your family.

Video Suggestion: Jesus' Ascension



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