DECEMBER 2023-Family of Faith Resources


"Family of Faith" Resources (Grades 1-6)


December Parent/Student Sessions (Attend one with your child):
Thursday, November 30 @ 5PM or 7PM
Tuesday, December 5 @ 5PM or 7PM
Location: Church

Does your child have special needs? Email us at for tools, tips and more!

DECEMBER 2023 Resources:


This month, we're giving you a break from the workbook! Instead, we ask families to complete our Jesse Tree Project! Materials for the Jesse Tree Ornaments, as well as an explanation of the Jesse Tree, are given out at this month's meetings. 

However, to best participate in this fun and prayerful activity, please use the Jesse Tree Daily Summaries handout below. This includes a brief summary of the Bible Figure or event for each day of the Jesse Tree. (The Bible Verses are there too!). 

Click the link below for Jesse Tree Daily Summaries:

(Given out @ December Meeting)


Jesse Tree "Tree": CLICK HERE

Jesse Tree Ornaments  CLICK HERE
December Outline: CLICK HERE

Advent Prayer Service Worship Aid: CLICK HERE


What is a Jesse Tree? 

A Jesse Tree represents the family tree of Jesus ChristEach ornament represents a story from the Bible that tells about God’s people before Jesus was bornEach story shows God’s salvation plan and tells how God guided humanity to prepare for the coming of the Messiah. 


What is the Jesse Tree tradition? 

The tradition of the Jesse tree dates back to the Middle AgesThe name “Jesse Tree” comes from Isaiah 11:1, in which the prophet says, “Then a shoot will spring from the stem of Jesse, and a branch from his roots will bear fruit.”  Jesse is the father of King David. The Savior was to come from David’s family line. 

During the Advent Season, a bible story is read each day which relates to Jesus’ family or God’s people After the bible passage is read, an ornament is placed on a tree- the Jesse treeThis is often done from the beginning of Advent until Christmas Day.   


What are we doing with the Jesse tree here at SJE? 

We have provided 24 ornaments that you can cut out and paste on your cardstock Jesse TreeOr, maybe your family would like to hang the ornaments on a branch from a real tree or on a small evergreen or an artificial Christmas tree? Totally up to you!  We are also providing you with a list of the bible stories.

The most important part of this Advent project is to read the bible story together(Please see our printable Jesse Tree Summaries sheet by clicking HERE). Then have someone in the family cut out the ornament and place it on your family’s Jesse tree. It’s a great way to keep the scriptures as part of our Advent prayer time and to learn more about some of the important people in our salvation history. 




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